Using Search & Replace

Comments Comments Off on Using Search & Replace by on May 27, 2010
Array ( [dn] => Long Tail Channel ID [t] => tx [v] => )

You can make global changes to the Headlight database using Fleet Manager. The basic steps are enabling edit from the customer view and using Search & Replace to update specific fields.

This example uses Search & Replace to change route days from A, B, C to 1, 2, 3.

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Changing route days with Search & Replace


  1. All the deliveries on Route A will be moved to Route 1search-replace0
  2. Enable editing by right-clicking on the grid and select Editsearch-replace1
  3. Right-click on the grid and select Replacesearch-replace2
  4. Change the search and replace criteria and click Replace Allsearch-replace3
  5. Headlight updates all 17 deliveries on Route Asearch-replace4

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